
For a long time Ipswich has not been a desirable location for property buyers of any type, but that has changed with a confluence of factors driving hordes of first home buyers, renovators, and investors west of Mt Coo-tha to roll up their sleeves and dust the coal dust of some old Ipswich gems in the property market.

Supply and Demand

Ipswich is one of the top 10 fastest growing regions by population in the nation.

In 2018 Ipswich had a population of 215,000, and the Qld Government doesn’t expect growth to slow, with a projected population in 2026 of 325,000, and by 2036 of more than 480,000!

All those people are going to need homes to live in and like anywhere homes in great locations near schools, parks, public transport and shops will see their values grow exponentially.


No other city in Australia offers value buying like Ipswich.

In Ipswich you can buy a tidy house on 600m2 walking distance to a train station, schools, cafes, and the local Coles for $250,000.

In Kedron, Brisbane in contrast you will pay double that for a vacant block of land, and only be 15-25 minutes closer to the Brisbane CBD.

A first home buyer in Ipswich will have bought 2 years earlier (having to only save a fraction of the deposit) paid off 2 houses, have a passive rental income, and possibly bought more investment properties all while enjoying less mortgage stress and unrivalled capital gains.

Had they bought in Kedron and built a new home, they would still have $200,000 in debt, years left on their mortgage, and, thanks to the depreciation on the new build, may have enjoyed only nominal increases in their property value.

Renovator’s Paradise

It seems to be in our genes as Australians to want to splash paint on walls, rejuvenate bathrooms, spruce up laundries, and renovate kitchens.

If you’ve been watching the block and feel the urge to roll up your sleeves, there is no better place for it than Ipswich. Ipswich’s (literally) rich history as a mining town means that there is no shortage of gorgeous old houses that have been under loved for decades, just begging for an enthusiastic young couple to roll up their dusty carpets and polish their floor boards.

New Homes

If you are not someone that loves having paint under your fingernails, the shiny new suburbs of Springfield and Ripley are calling you.

Come for the drive one weekend, be inspired by the beautiful new homes in the huge display village. Enjoy a picnic in the tranquil Robelle Domain, and experience what all the hype is about in this award winning master planned city.

Buying new of course means you get the First Home Buyer’s Grant of $15,000, but be careful not to pay too much.

Vibrant Community

Whether your preference is the character and charm of ‘old Ipswich’ or the comfort and convenience of its new suburbs, there is plenty of places to enjoy the weekend in Ipswich and surrounds, but don’t take our word for it. Check out Urban List, Discover Ipswich, and this Great Calendar of Events.

What to look out for as a first home buyer

Buying real estate is likely to be one of the biggest decisions you will make in your life, so it is worthwhile paying for great local advice.

At McNamara Law we have a team of local property law experts with offices in Ipswich, Springfield, and Gatton. We are familiar with the local area and help make sure you don’t buy a lemon. We will make sure you know before it’s too late if there’s a mine shaft under the property or if it flooded in 2011 or 1974.

Whether you’re buying or selling, or just thinking, give us a call for an obligation free chat.