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Have You Claimed Your Free Gift Card from Your CTP Insurer?

Every year (or 6 months) you need to renew your car registration. Built into your registration is Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance.

This CTP insurance primarily provides protection to you (if the at-fault driver) against compensation claims from people injured in a motor vehicle accident.  Those making a claim could be drivers of other vehicles involved in the accident, passengers in your car and other vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists.

If the person you have injured is unable to work, or needs medical treatment, your CTP insurer pays them compensation that can cover their medical and rehabilitation treatment and/or loss of income related to the accident.

But….did you know you can get free money for switching CTP insurer when you renew your registration?

In Queensland, you can choose from Suncorp, Allianz, QBE or RACQ. Some of these insurers will offer you a gift card if you switch for the first time. There is no additional cost in switching insurer, and will come down to personal preference as to which insurer you want to deal with the defence claim if you cause an accident.

Currently, if you switch to Suncorp they generally offer a gift card of up to $40.00 value. If you switch to QBE, they are generally offering up to a $50.00 gift card.

There are currently no gift card options with Allianz or RACQ, but there are other benefits with each of the CTP insurers, which provides some coverage for at fault drivers.

If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, contact one of our injury lawyers on 1300 285 888 who will be happy to speak with you about your situation.


Date Published - August 14, 2019

The Content and links referenced in this article were valid at the date of publishing.



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