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Redress Scheme for People who have Experienced Child Sexual Abuse

The Commonwealth Redress Scheme commenced on 1 July 2018 and will run until 30 June 2027.

The Scheme will provide support to people who were sexually abused as children while in the care of an institution. An institution  is any place that was run by the Commonwealth (which includes places such as the Australian Defence Forces and cadet schools and onshore immigration detention) but will also extend to places run by state governments, churches, charities and other non-government organisations, if those institutions opt into the Scheme.

For a full list of Queensland participants, follow this link.

The Redress Scheme can provide three things to victims of child sexual abuse:

  • access to psychological counselling;
  • a direct personal response – such as an apology from the responsible institution for people who want it; and/or
  • a monetary payment of between $10,000 and $150,000.

Payments will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, reflecting the severity and impact of the abuse experienced.

The Redress Scheme is an alternative to getting compensation through the courts – you can do one or the other, but not both.

Access to the Redress Scheme depends on:

  • the type of abuse a person experienced
    – it must include sexual abuse.
    – an institution must be responsible for the abuse. The Scheme does not cover non-institutional abuse, such as by a family member.
  • where and when it happened
    – the abuse must have happened when the person was aged under 18.
    – it must have happened before 1 July 2018, when the Scheme starts.
    – the institution or organisation responsible for the abuse must have joined the Redress Scheme.
  • a person’s life now.
    – the person applying must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident.

For more information or assistance about the Redress Scheme contact one of our injury lawyers on 1300 285 888.


Date Published - June 20, 2022

The Content and links referenced in this article were valid at the date of publishing.



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